Depression and MS

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. It can lead to various physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms, including depression. Depression is a common mental health issue among individuals with MS, affecting around 50% of people with the condition. The experience of depression can vary depending on the individual, and it can be challenging to deal with. However, there are ways to cope with depression associated with MS. In this blog, we will discuss some practical strategies that can help men manage depression associated with multiple sclerosis.

  1. Seek Professional Help:

The first step in dealing with depression associated with MS is to seek professional help. A mental health professional can help you identify the symptoms of depression, understand the underlying causes, and develop a treatment plan that suits your specific needs. They can also provide you with coping strategies to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

  1. Join a Support Group:

Joining a support group can be a helpful way to manage depression associated with MS. A support group provides a safe space to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can help reduce feelings of isolation and increase feelings of connection and understanding.

  1. Exercise Regularly:

Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Exercise can also help manage MS symptoms, such as fatigue and mobility issues. It is essential to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program and choose exercises that suit your abilities.

  1. Practice Mindfulness:

Mindfulness is a technique that involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and improve overall well-being. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, such as meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga.

  1. Manage Stress:

Stress can exacerbate depression symptoms and MS symptoms. It is important to identify sources of stress in your life and develop strategies to manage them. Some stress management techniques include relaxation techniques, time management, and problem-solving skills.

  1. Connect with Loved Ones:

Maintaining connections with loved ones can provide a sense of purpose and meaning, which can help reduce feelings of depression. It is important to communicate with loved ones and let them know how you are feeling. They can provide support and help you through difficult times.

  1. Set Realistic Goals:

Setting realistic goals can help provide a sense of accomplishment and improve self-esteem. It is essential to set goals that are achievable and to break them down into manageable steps.

In conclusion, depression associated with multiple sclerosis can be challenging to deal with, but there are ways to manage it. Seeking professional help, joining a support group, exercising regularly, practicing mindfulness, managing stress, connecting with loved ones, and setting realistic goals can all help manage depression symptoms. It is important to remember that everyone’s experience of depression is different, and it may take time to find the strategies that work best for you.

Coming Soon!

The book has been finished. And edited. And edited again. And changed the POV. Then, revised again. Queries have been sent to literary agents. Over and over and over again. They’ve been ignored. Overlooked. Rejected. Form rejections. The queries have been revised, rewritten, and resent. Pitches have been made to no avail. The book lies dormant. No agents have asked to read it. No publishers have asked either. Is it bad? No, I don’t think so. Is it not marketable? Possibly. Apparently, no one wants to try to sell a book based in the afterlife. Everyone wants to read about real life, fantasy worlds, other planets, other dimensions, and—as always—romance novels.

I believe in this story. It is a fantasy world, it is real life, it has romance, and it’s told in a different sort of way. So, I’ve had an epiphany. I should tell it in a different sort of way. Not in a written form. Not as an audiobook. Not a movie. But more like an audio drama with a podcast format. Let there be talk backs. Let there be emotion given to the story and characters. Let there be sound effects to enhance what words alone cannot express.

I’m theatrical. I’ve always been so. After finishing the writing the book and the revisions, my health took a nose-dive. I received an unforeseen diagnosis which has changed my life entirely. I’m unable to work as I have before. My body and brain do not function as they once did.

I’m disabled now. But I refuse to hide away and rot. I want to reach out in any way I can. I want to connect to people how I used to on stage. I was a performer. I portrayed characters from Macbeth to Jesus. I was a director. I was an audiobook narrator. I was a stuntman. I went all in with theatre. No back ups.

What happens when the only means of work you have and can do is not an option anymore?

Time to create something new. I was once a writer. Plays and poems. They got me through high school, a huge depression, and college. I dabbled from time to time since but then I fell back in love with it. I’d see visions, images, action, and a story in my head. I thought it out. Outlined it. Wrote it. The book is finished. No agent wants to read it. Should I write another one instead? Yes, I will. The outline has already begun. But I keep being drawn back to the one lying still. The story awaiting to be told.

The internet is a beautiful thing at times. As you, reader, are reading these very words from anywhere in the world, I can bring this story to you. And so I will. Told my way. No publishers or agents to tell me to take huge chunks out, or changes to be made. I can tell it with my own voice. The way I hear it in my head, I can sound it out to you. From author straight to the audience. It’s coming.

Production for The World to Come series shall begin soon. The first season will be the book awaiting to be read. Each chapter will be an episode, and the following seasons will be the books I had planned on writing.

Season One is entitled Ascendance.

For up to date news, follow my Twitter @TheShadowComes

The series will begin on YouTube. I will post the channel on here and all my social media channels once I get deep into production.

This journey has just begun. If you want you can follow me on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok @theJasonSkinner and I will record the process. You can be apart of this journey with me. You can even lend your comments, suggestions, advice, ideas, and encouragement if you’d like.

This production will require background ambient music and sounds. Sound effects. Some of which I will create on my own, and others I will look for freebies. YouTube has a great library of free licensed material to be used. Hopefully, I can find the ones closest to the sounds I hear in my head. Images will be needed for the video aspect. As much as I wish I could create them myself, I’m not much of a visual artist. But I know what I’m looking for when I see it.

Be on the lookout on my social media and this site for future announcements and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel @theJasonSkinner and I will eventually create the series channel itself.

Until next time.

Thanks for reading.

Write the Book: Part 2

With the lack of interest in my first manuscript, I began planning to write the 2nd book of my series. I thought to myself, “I need to keep writing.”

I plan about 4-5 chapters and go through my notes. Then, a barrier…

I guess I need to do some more planning and research before this story can fully manifest in my mind. As always I wait on the One who knows all. His timing is perfect as is His will. God is my inspiration. He leads me down the path that has been laid before me. Even when I am walking blindly, I have faith in His leadership. If I take a wrong turn, He will guide me back out of the wilderness. He’s just good like that, what else would you have me say?

Meanwhile, I haven’t heard much of His direction about writing another book, or even the first one that still needs an audience.

However, the other day I heard a light whisper…

Stay in the world that was created, and tell the stories of those who will witness this tale you have been called to write.

So, what does that mean, you ask?

I will begin writing short stories of minor characters in my manuscript and others who will later appear in the series. Possibly, I will include some that will only witness the main characters from my books or hear about their story and that’s it. As always, I will see how the Lord guides my steps. It’s possible I will post these stories on this blog or create another website or platform to dedicate to it.

Be sure to be on the lookout for Tales from the World to Come.👀

I guess instead of “writing the book” I will be writing the story, in as many pieces as the Lord requires. As long as He is glorified in my work. For I do it for His kingdom, and His kingdom alone. I pray many will be drawn to these stories and to Him through them. In Jesus name, Amen.

5 Ways to Love your Neighbor in Pandemic Times

Alright, as promised it’s time to get REAL!

This pandemic has molded the world more than anything we’ve seen in our generation. I wasn’t alive during the Vietnam War, or during the Civil Rights movement. However, you see the accounts, the videos, and you hear your parents or grandparents talk about it, which gives you a general idea of how the country was changed through those events. However, the WORLD has been effected by COVID-19, not just the United States. Yet, Americans tend to be selfish—and if you can’t admit that, then you may be in denial. Personally, you yourself may not be selfish—in fact I pray you are very giving and selfless or at least strive to be. But—as a nation—we are selfish. Have no fear, I include myself among you.

Two summers ago, I went on my first cruise for my honeymoon. My wife and I had a wonderful time, but that’s another story for another time. What sticks out to me at this moment was our first stop on our cruise in Haiti. We had paid for a shore excursion which took us to a nearby village. The excursion was a delightful exposure to the culture of the people of Haiti. Our guide was very engaging, funny, and charismatic. However, as we were on the boat to return to our cruise ship, we went by the actual village itself—where the people who just entertained us most likely lived. My eyes were exposed to the poverty of a Third-world country. This happened again as we took a bus tour through Jamaica. Americans take the roof over their heads for granted, the internet access, smartphones, the numerous comforts we enjoy. I saw kids who loved Jesus, and laughed and played (with no shoes), I saw people who fished for their food. I saw houses with no roofs because they needed to work more to attain the funds to build it themselves so they lived with no roof until they could afford one. Yet, there are those of us who complain about putting a piece of cloth over our faces when we go to the grocery store. I do not say this in judgment, but rather I pray this statement will open your eyes and for you to push away hate and embrace gratitude. Be thankful for what you have. Inconvenience yourself to show love to one another.

I’d like to give FIVE examples of how you can love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus utters this commandment in the book of Matthew THREE times—in chapters 5,19, and 22. Also, its all throughout the Old and New Testament such as Leviticus, Galatians, James, and Romans. Let’s dive in:


Pretty self-explanatory. Wear a mask and wear it properly. That means wear it over your mouth and over your nose. Too many times I’ve been at a store and I see a person’s mask over their chin. I mean, what’s the point? Yes, it can be hard to breathe sometimes, but instead of putting others and yourself at risk, find a solution. Do some research on how to improve your mask. I was wearing a mask in a cave in Colorado (talk about a place thats already hard to breathe) and I struggled, but I didn’t die from lack of oxygen. When we came back home, my wife ordered some very inexpensive silicone face mask brackets that you can find on Amazon here. Also, if those don’t do the trick for you, you can try these. Your lives matter—other lives matter—take care of each other by cleaning your mask and wearing your mask properly in public (not on your chin)


I get it, its hard to stay 6 feet away from each other when this person is blocking the aisle with their cart (for us southerners a “buggy”). I don’t see a problem with saying “excuse me” and giving that person a moment to clear the way, but also if you need to squeeze past someone there shouldn’t be an issue if you and them are following STEP 1. Just don’t linger. Squeeze by and move on, but do it kindly. Try not to be that person who has to make a point to another by showing them how wrong they are by inconveniencing you. Trust me, I know both sides of this coin and my wife makes sure she holds me accountable. I speak to myself as much as I speak to you right now. I know there are some stores that are taking away the 6 feet markers on the floor, but we all can gauge six feet and we all can stand on a marker that companies went out of their way to create and place everywhere that requires people to stand in line. I was standing in line the other day to order some ice cream and this person behind me with her kids (none of which had masks on) got right over my shoulder to point to something on the menu sign next to me. She demonstrated to her children the wrong thing to do, and made me uncomfortable. For me, it was annoying, but to someone who is high risk it could’ve been lethal. C’mon man, just stay 6 feet away from each other when standing for long periods of time. If you can read a STOP sign, you can follow the markers on the ground that are literally EVERYWHERE! Teach your kids to do the same. And as always, do it with kindness.


Why does this need to be explained? I mean, really? Wash your hands, use soap, and hand sanitizer when warranted. Personally, I never liked shaking hands anyway, so no big loss to me. Everyone has just come even to my level of being a germaphobe, lol. Anytime you touch a public surface, wash your hands before touching your face, other people, or eating. If you are high risk, I even encourage wearing gloves. Let us pray for the days when we can hug each other and not fear for our lives by touching a door handle. But, even in those days to come, you should still wash your hands… with soap please.


So, you may ask: “What do I do when people do not wear a mask, social distance, or wash their hands?” I’m glad you asked. First things first, please please please try not to acost them or bully them. Remember, Jesus said: Love your neighbor as yourself. So, say you forgot your mask, and you only just realized it when someone yells at you for not wearing one. You’d either be very angry (defensive) or feel attacked (verbal assault). You would not like that very much if someone screamed at you, or was rude to you. Soooooo, why would you do that to someone else? Be kind to one another. But then you ask. “What if they don’t care that they aren’t wearing a mask, social distancing, or washing their hands?” I’m glad you asked that too. Hopefully, if you are an employee of said establishment, you would kindly ask this person that it is your company’s policy that every patron must wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines or they cannot be there. If you are not an employee, then you can either ask that person directly if you are so bold, and do it lovingly. If they are still defiant, maybe it’s an opportunity for you to engage in a conversation with them about why its important to society, or how its just COMMON COURTESY (see what I did there?). You could even see why they are so defiant, hear their story, and have a chance to minister to them if they are receptive to it. Try not to force your beliefs on people, just reach out a loving (imaginative) hand to them. If they slap it away, follow the words of Jesus in Luke 10:11 NLT: “We wipe even the dust of your town from our feet to show that we have abandoned you to your fate.”

It’s just not your place to fix them. Perhaps God has another plan and another time. Just protect yourself and your loved ones and distance yourself. For those of you who say, “I’m not one to engage with that person, so what do I do?” I’m with you, I don’t like to tell people what they should or shouldn’t do, but I’m upset that they aren’t following the rules. Point them out to an employee or authoritative figure. “Isn’t that just being a tattle-tale?” Why yes, yes it is. Is being a tattle-tale better than getting COVID-19? Why yes, yes it is.


If some of you who are not at risk and can do more to help elderly and/or high risk individuals aka love your neighbor, you should do that. Run errands for them, go shopping for them, help them feel safe. You can do the same for nurses and other medical personnel (individuals on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19). These people are in need of a home-cooked meal, or have no time and/or energy to grab something for dinner, go shopping for groceries, etc. See what they need, and help fill that need. Follow Steps 1-4 when doing this. Spread Love, not COVID-19 and together we can get through this pandemic and get back to live events, church services, school, movie theaters, vacations, fully packed restaurants, and seeing our loved ones smile without a piece of cloth blocking it. Be kind to one another and show them the love of Christ in all things. Love over Hate.

“This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12: 25-27 NLT

In the Beginning

Today I had a revelation and it had nothing to do with the book of Revelations. I have felt a strong desire to start a blog; however, I struggled with what my content would be. I thought about writing about my novel that I have been trying to get published or my career as an actor in theatre. Yet, all of these lacked the substance that ignited a fire within me.

My writing was never intended for my own success, it was created to touch the hearts of the people of the world. In that venture, I feel like what I do, matters. It matters when people are changed, encouraged, and ideally touched by the Holy Spirit. God reaps the harvest, I am merely a vessel to help plant the seeds.

When I was acting or directing for my own self-interest, there was strife and conflict. External and internal. When I was acting or directing to touch the hearts of the audience and/or to draw them closer to Jesus, I would fall away and God would do the work through me. I felt alive!

As I was reading an assigned chapter in a marriage book that my wife and I are studying together with two sets of couples, I came across a section that just made sense to me. Whenever I have ventured into something for my own personal gain—either for money or fame—I have never truly succeeded or had peace about it. The only time I have felt the Holy Spirit completely involved in my ventures is when I do them for God’s Kingdom.

I want you to feel alive.

I want you to grasp the love that God has for you.

I want you to share that love to those around you. All of them. Whether they believe what you believe. Whether they look or act like you do. Whether they vote how you vote. Whether they make more or less money than you do. None of that matters. We were all created by God. We are His children. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Easy, right?


I’m not perfect, I struggle with this too. So, in this blog, I’m gonna be REAL with you. My spiritual gift is Exhortation. I am hoping to use my experiences to help you. AND, I hope you will do the same for me. We are not perfect. Let us grow together. Love over Hate. Faith over Despair.

“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NLT

Photo by Adrien Olichon on

American Healthcare

I HATE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE!!!!!!!! Stupid broken system, all about $$$$$, little ❤️‍🩹. What’s the point at this state? Getting MRIs should NOT be this difficult. Insurance companies have ruined it all. I shouldn’t have to call insurance while at an appointment just to confirm I’ve paid a deductible. The system is so complicated on purpose! Politicians won’t help us, hospitals aka corporations won’t help us UNLESS you pay ridiculous amounts of money first or thereafter. Healing shouldn’t be a business. I’m in such a state of despair right now. What’s the point?

List 30 things that make you happy.

1- My Wife

2- My Faith

3- My cats

4- Playing video games

5- Writing stories

6- Watching Atlanta Braves baseball

7- Watching football.

8- Crumbl Cookies

9- Coldstone cake batter ice cream

10- Reese’s Cups

11- Peanut Butter M&M’s

12- Skittles

13- Spotify

14- Epicore music

15- Epic covers of songs

16- Dates with my wife

17- Stitch

18- F1 Racing

19- A cool breezy day

20- Mountains.

21- History

22- Superhero movies

23- Star Wars

24- Coffee

25- Seeing a theatrical performance

26- Movie theater popcorn

27- Christmas

28- Snuggling with my wife and/or cats

29- Time with family and friends

30- Sword fighting